


With the rapid growth of the old age population, sustaining good health and participation is integral to strengthen communities and help families thrive. Many multicultural seniors are affected by health conditions such as strokes or have a lack of social support to engage with their neighbours. Due to language barriers, they also face difficulty accessing the services they need. Each month, our team regularly carries out various health seminars, providing the latest health advice and medical information-sharing resources. Gatherings are held for physical exercises, cultural events, and birthday celebrations for our members.


专注服务维省亚裔社群,促进社区健康, 提⾼居⺠⽣活质量, 将幸福帶⼊社区中。我们是⼀⽀由义⼯组成的团队,我們怀着热情去提醒和分享有关⻑者健康的信息,聆聽他們的故事,并有机会参与在当地社区的活动。

Our Objective

The Chinese Stroke Support Group exists to support a healthy, vibrant, inclusive, and diverse community that will last a lifetime. We are a team of volunteers envisioned with a powerful passion for creating and reinvigorating seniors with long-term information about their health, sharing their stories and being exposed to opportunities to engage within their local community.

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